Medal of Honor Recipients

St. Lawrence County

Medal of Honor Recipients


James Allen

Cpl. 16th NY Volunteers

Dayton P. Clarke

Capt. 2nd VT Volunteers

Newton Martin Curtis

Brig. Gen. 1st Brigade 2nd. Div.

X Corp

John C. Gilmore

Maj. 16th NY Volunteers

Francis B. Hall

Chaplain 16th NY Volunteers

Charles H. Houghton

Capt. 14th NY Artillery

Fallett Johnson

Cpl. 60th NY Volunteers

John H. Moffitt

Sgt. 16th NY Volunteers

John T. Rutherford

Capt. 9th NY Cavalry

William Walling

Capt. 142 NY Volunteers

Thomas M. Wells

1st Lt. 6th NY Cavalry