Thank you to all of the donors and supporters of Fort Tribute. Without all the tremendous support this project would not have been made possible
Donor Recognition
President Abraham Lincoln Society ($30,000+)
Carole and Leon Goolden
SeaComm Federal Credit Union
Army of the Potomac ($20,000 - $25,000)
Alcoa Foundation (Grant)
New York Power Authority (Grant)
Corp ($10,000 - $19,999)
Community Bank, NA
Donaldson Funeral Home, Massena & Donaldson-Seymour, Potsdam, Chad & Cathy Green
St. Lawrence Federal Credit Union
St. Lawrence River Valley Development Agency (Grant)
Division ($2,500 - $9,999)
Niles Asset Management
NuMed for Children, LLC
PW Campbell Contracting Inc.
Brigade ($1,000-$2,499)
11th New York Light Artillery /
60th New York Volunteers
Parkway Auto Group
Regiment ($500-$999)
9th Battalion Blue Ridge Grays
Ken & Sue Bellor
Canton Rotary Club
Bernard & Patricia Dominie & family
Massena Rotary Club
Company ($100-$499)
Chuck and Linda Goolden
Mkb Solutions, LLC
Brookes Bigwarfe
Gene Michael Knowlton
United Steel Workers 420-A
Platoon (Up to $99)
Mary Ellen Casselman, Mary Ann Doyle, David, McIntosh, Sarah Street, Troy & Dianna Remington, Gene Collier, Tom Hargrave and Mike MacCue
Financial Contributions from the 11th New York Artillery/60th NY Vol. Infantry:
Lt. Col. Scott Wilson, 1st. Lt. Levi Wilson, 2nd Lt. Aaron Gravelle, 2nd Lt. Brian Harp, Sgt. Gilbert Rivers, Corporal Zach Monroe, Pvts Dennis Barr, George Bougher, Steve Dustin, Carl Marshall, Steve Perry, Mike Trudo, Richard Wingler and Josh Wingler
In-kind exhibit & other contributions:
Blue and Greys of Montreal Canada
David George Bougher
Shirley Dickinson
Steve Dustin
Aaron & April Gravelle
Mary Houser
Hugh Newton
Lowell Nicholson
Gilbert Rivers
Sean Tiernan
Levi Wilson
Scott & Doreen Wilson
Josh Wingler
Those responsible for construction and materials:
Curran Logging , Douglas Matthie, Joe Finnegan and Steve Cobb Signage