Fort Tribute Upcoming events.

Civil War Weekend Reenactment
The traveling Hunley will be on exhibit.
Cannon bounty paid to the first six cannons registered. Skirmishes on Saturday and Sunday. Great expanded venue now at a Fort. Our gates are open! Tin Type Photographer on-site, Fife & Drum, Candlelight Tour and so much more!
Reenactor Registration is FREE. Hay, water, modern restrooms, showers and other amenities provided.
220th Anniversary of the Lewis & Clark Expedition
We will hold a special event celebrating the 220th anniversary of the Lewis and Clark expedition - “Westward Bound”. This will be the second of three events over 2024-2026. Mark your calendar.
Anyone who is an author or a lecturer on this subject are needed.
We are also looking for living historians…fur traders, trappers, mountain men of this period for a historical encampment during this event.
This event is sponsored by Niles Wealth Management.